How to
There are several tabs on this portal. Below is a brief description of what you can find / do in each tab.
At the bottom of the page there is also a paragraph that explains the tabs that are more detailed when you have chosen to look more closely at a data set.
Tutorial video
If you want to see a tutorial video, you will find some here .
This is where you will find all the themes that the data are organised in.
By clicking on a title for a theme you will go to a page where you can browse the data found within this theme.
Clicking on a title will give the same result as filtering by theme in the DATA tab.
Here you will find all the data sets.
You can search by map or word. If you want, you can also filter the data sets on, among other things, keywords and themes.
In this tab you can combine the maps of different data sets.
You can save your map, share it with others, post it on a web page or use the map as a widget.
This tool works best on a computer or tablet.
Here you can combine data from different data set on a chart.
You can save the chart, share it with others, add it to a web page, or use the chart as a widget.
This tool works best on a computer or tablet.
In this tab you can see how to use Open Data API to configure data to feed your applications or services.
For a selected data set
If you want to view only specific parts of the data set that you have selected, you can use the filter for this.
The filter adapts to the data set, and may therefore look different for each data set.
Once you have selected a data set, there are several different tabs to explore for it.
Here you will find a description about the data set, including contact information if you have questions and want to get in touch with the publisher.
Here you can also see which license applies to this particular data set.
Further down in the tab, there is a Dataset schema, you should look at if you want to use the API.
Here you can see the data set in table format.
If you move the mouse pointer over a column heading, you get a description for that heading.
By clicking on a column heading with the description "sort" after, the table is sorted again.
At the bottom of the page you are offered the possibility to share the table with others, post it on a web page or use it as a widget.
If the tab is found, this is where you can do different analyses for the data set. Among other things, with bar charts. Note that you can zoom in if there are a lot of data.
At the bottom of the page you are offered the possibility to share the analyse with others, post it on a web page or use it as a widget.
If the tab is displayed, you will find a map visualising the positions present in the data set.
At the bottom of the page you are offered the possibility to share the map with others, post it on a web page or use it as a widget.
If the tab is displayed, it contains images uploaded, to the portal, for the selected data set.
At the bottom of the page you are offered the possibility to share the page with others, post it on a web page or use it as a widget.
Here you can download the data set. Either the whole or parts you have filtered out.
Note that the CSV format uses semicolon ";" as separator and that the format is Unicode (UTF8).
When importing to Excel you may need to specify this in order not to have problems with Swedish characters like å, ä, ö.
This tab provides instructions on how to consume data sets via an API.
Note that the result from an API query is in the format Unicode (UTF8).
If you click on the link at the bottom of the page, a new tab will open with the result from the query.
The result might be difficult to read due to the enconding. To solve that you could install an extension to you browser. For example there is JSON formatter for Chrome.