
Bygglov, Umeå kommun

Our handling during 2023

Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of building permits during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.

Submitted applications, granted permits and our handlingtime
submitted applications
granted permits
of the granted permits that is granted with a deviation from the detaild developmentplan
A deviation means that you don't follow the regulation in the detaild developmentplan
It can for example be that you are building to big or to high.
To be an acceptable deviation it has to be a small one, just margininally exceeding the regulation.
33.69 days
our handlingtime in avarage
35 days
The handlingtime is counted from the day the application is complete to the day of the permit
94.49 %
of the permits is granted within 10 weeks from complete application
95 %
Stated by law the handlingtime can't be longer than 10 weeks from complete application.
Complete applications and lead times
23.62 %
of the granted permits where complete at the time of submitting the application
increase from last years avarage 21 %
A application is complete if it contains all of the drawings and information that are required for the handling to be started. If any information is missing or any of the drawings is faulty drawn the applications needs to be supplemented and therefore complete later.
31.31 days
does it take in avarege for an application to be complete
The time is counted from time of submitting the application. During this period no handling is done, how long it takes is up to the applicant.
64.61 days
does it take in avarage from submitted application to granting the permit
56 days
For the applicant this is the experienced handlingtime not by law stated handlingtime of 10 weeks.
Statistics from the the construction
held technical consultations
Is a meeting before the constructionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
granted starting clearance
A decision thats allows the construction to begin. In bigger projects is given separatly, in smaller it could be given together with the building permit.
constructionsites visits
Is a meeting on the constructionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
final consultations
Is a meeting out on site to check that the permit is followd, all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.
granted final clearance
A decision that admits the building to be used for its purpose.
Rejected, dismissed and recalled applications
recalled applications
The applicant has demanded that the application is recalled, the case is closed with a decision of recalled application.
dismissed applications
The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.
rejected applications
The application is rejected due to it's not follow the detaild developmentplan or it's not suitable.

Submitted applications

Number of submitted applications per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearSubmitted applications1,0251,0251,0401,0401,2411,2411,4061,4061,2791,2791,1851,1851,1431,1431,2941,2941,1831,1839479476646642013201420152016201720182019202020212022202305001,0001,500

Number of submitted application per month
You can adjuste the dates and also notice the peaks in march-june every year.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthSubmitted applications676770701021021241241151159292656567679090103103777753537575626212712712012093931061066565626295957474878774745959878713013013013017017014314373736666109109100100919183838181136136149149180180175175147147747488881061066868102102100100828212712715615615615614114110910978787373100100898999996969767610210213313313813815315311311383837979898993937272545476761111111171171411411251259898707083831061068484727260609393124124146146136136133133123123757573731021029696848410910978781001001861861461461361361031036868696972727878717176768787100100121121979710310392924141636374745252575760605454585895956666858577773333484850507272262620132014201520162017201820192020202120222023050100150200


Our handlingtimes for granted permits
You can adjuste the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthAvarage handlingtime in days30.3330.3320.2120.2131.9631.9636.0336.0342.5642.5649.9149.9150.3850.3868.6268.6264.6464.6449.9249.9255.4955.4960.1360.1342.9342.9344.5744.5751.351.347.4747.4745.9845.9848.2948.2942.0642.0667.3867.3855.255.260.960.957.4457.4443.6743.6791.5991.5966.2666.2667.767.770.4470.4450.8250.8254.8454.8448.9748.9774.6674.6660.0160.0151.9451.9450.6950.6942.1542.1547.647.641.6541.6543.7443.7447.247.246.1446.1445.2545.2566.1266.1273.9273.9276.6976.6976.9576.9560.3160.3136.5136.5146.6446.6446.3146.3135.1135.1138.3438.3435.0935.0932.1332.1329.6629.6646.9946.9941.1541.1532.7432.7429.929.935.5635.5630.8630.8626.3626.3629.9829.9822.622.628.0628.0626.0926.0922.1422.1456.3356.3352.1652.1637.4237.4240.3240.3262.8662.8683.2283.2235.5235.5238.9438.9448.9748.9732.6332.6327.5227.5231.4931.4943.4843.4830.8930.8932.6732.6732.1632.1625.3325.3342.9842.9823.9223.9226.8326.8332.1832.1833.0333.0330.0930.0931.5631.5645.3545.3534.2334.2336.4236.4232.6932.6935.0535.0546.3746.3739.5639.5639.4339.4338.3238.3231.4331.4333.133.141.0641.0653.3353.3343.0643.0631.0931.0928.0128.0132.632.636.0836.0827.7127.7129.4229.4237.2437.24252541.1141.1138.0238.0242.4842.4827.627.638.3638.3636.8536.8530.1930.1945.8745.8727.7427.7429.7929.7934.0334.0333.0733.0730.2630.2628.428.456.0556.0523.8823.8822.722.727.3627.3633.1633.1630.7530.752013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320240100255075

The handlingtime is counted from the day when the application became complete to the day of the granted permit. Stated by law this time can't be longer than 10 weeks.

How many cases clear the timelimit of the handlingtime?

Percent of the granted permits that clears the timelimit of 10 weeks of handlingtime during the last 5 years.

92.87 %
of granted permits year
94.15 %
of granted permits year
92.29 %
of granted permits year
94.41 %
of granted permits year
94.49 %
of granted permits year

Decisions regarding permits

Our decisions, chose type to get number per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions7117118338331,0031,0031,1071,1071,0451,0459169168798799159151,0551,055853853669669443573574774775975977557554894893813813723723553555055054184182702702235435435635640640635235255655653553550750756056055055043543539939922201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024025050075010001250
Bygglov med startbesked

Granted permits, for smaller projects the starting clearance can be granted at the same time

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions2525454568689191120120797912112110710791918181444425254545686891911201207979121121107107919181814444201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230255075100125150
Återkallad ansökan

Applications that has been recalled by the applicant.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions131377131323232222404046462727232324249913137713132323222240404646272723232424992013201420152016201720182019202020212022202301020304050
Avvisad ansökan

The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions4443433232373711113332322727323211111155552019202020212022202301020304050

Applications that has been rejected due to that they are not folliwing the detaild developmentplan or is not suitable.

Decisions during construction

Our decision during the construction, chose type to get number per year.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions5725727307308668668558551,0571,0579239239299299979971,0251,025849849681681443543543563564064063523525565565355355075075605605505504354353993992221821837437446046050350350150138838842242243743747547541441428228222201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024025050075010001250
Bygglov med startbesked

A decision that allows the construction to begin.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions22446644332244334499332244664433224433449933201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230102.557.5
Kompletterande villkor

A supplementary terms is a decison that demands extended or extra control of something during the construction. The terms must be met for a final clearance to be givien.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions44441951953453454484484564564394393533533593593273273643643423425512125353123123868687871411418989868691911261268787113232142142222222362362369369298298264264273273236236238238255255442013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320240100200300400500
Interimistiskt slutbesked

A decision that allows the building to be used for its purpose.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A denied starting clearance means that the building doesn't have the conditions to be up to code and therefore can't the construction begin.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A denied final clearance means that the buildning can't be used due to it's not up to code or is not deemd safe to be in.

Consultations and site visits

Before and during the construction of a buildingproject there is a number of consultations and site visits. For smaller projects those are most often not necessary. Our meetings are

  • Technically consultation is a meeting before the constructionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
  • Site visits is a meeting on the constructionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
  • Final consultation is a meeting out on site to check that the permit is followd, all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.

Chose type of consultation or site visit to get number per year and month

Number of technically consultations per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of consultatons143143219219279279320320334334234234229229249249250250208208110110201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230100200300400
Tekniskt samråd

Number of technically consultations per month
You can adjuste the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of consultatons229999171712121717252518181919151577111126262323242433331010171721212121171799181820202020151536364242883535212130302222121215151515202033334545494988232340401919303023231919313129292323414145459925252525383835351414212114142020313130302828991212282823231212661616882525252529292929992121191922221212141416162525272715152323282844222237372323181811111010131324241515343428281515161637371818252515151414992828191924242828112020212124241010101012127712121010171715152213138855772220142015201620172018201920202021202220230102030405060
Tekniskt samråd

Number of site visits per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of visits4343171171215215235235281281207207187187172172182182208208131131112013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320240100200300

Number of site visits per month
You can adjust the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of visits337788101044111116162222141411119915152215152121212114141111991919181814141515212155212123232323303017171111232313131313191924243326263232252527271919222221212929272725251919552727404027272727121219192121191920201212131344202026262424181811111818171714141010131316161111111122222626191910102020161615151010991414111919252513132020101015151313191915151414222215152929111117171212161620202222161620201919441919232314142929661616161616164417171414111414551313121233112014201520162017201820192020202120222023202401020304050

Number of final consultations per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of consultatons3737145145250250312312305305272272223223233233216216227227179179552013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320240100200300400

Number of final consultations per month
You can adjust the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of consultatons66554488141433551414151599232366151510101515141416161212181822222020181836368822221818202025253131131329292929272727273939141418183535202022223939191921213131272731314747111112122222292923233232222220202020212133332323141421211919282821213030141419191717212120203636101012121616171716162525151525259924241717282888181817172424171731311212141418182020191940409919191515171714141919141421212020151519193434881414121223231919282815151515121220202525272733171711111212151577552014201520162017201820192020202120222023202401020304050

Our handling during 2023

Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of site improvement permits during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.

Submitted applications, granted permits and our handlingtime
submitted applications
granted permits
38.44 days
our handlingtime in avarage
35 days
The handlingtime is counted from the day the application is complete to the day of the permit
88.89 %
of the permits is granted within 10 weeks from complete application
95 %
Stated by law the handlingtime can't be longer than 10 weeks from complete application.
Complete applications and lead times
55.56 %
of the granted permits where complete at the time of submitting the application
increase from last years avarage 17 %
A application is complete if it contains all of the drawings and information that are required for the handling to be started. If any information is missing or any of the drawings is faulty drawn the applications needs to be supplemented and therefore complete later.
12.33 days
does it take in avarege for an application to be complete
The time is counted from time of submitting the application. During this period no handling is done, how long it takes is up to the applicant.
50.56 days
does it take in avarage from submitted application to granting the permit
56 days
For the applicant this is the experienced handlingtime not by law stated handlingtime of 10 weeks.
Statistics from the implementation of site improvement projects
held technical consultations
Is a meeting before the constructionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
granted starting clearance
A decision thats allows the construction to begin. In bigger projects is given separatly, in smaller it could be given together with the building permit.
constructionsites visits
Is a meeting on the constructionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
final consultations
Is a meeting to check that the permit is followd, all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check that the building is up to code.
granted final clearance
A decision that closes the case and states that the site improvment is up to code.
Rejected, dismissed and recalled applications
recalled applications
The applicant has demanded that the application is recalled, the case is closed with a decision of recalled application.
dismissed applications
The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.
rejected applications
The application is rejected due to it's not follow the detaild developmentplan or it's not suitable.

Submitted applications

Number of submitted applications per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearSubmitted applications151588202020202525252522222727202012129920132014201520162017201820192020202120222023051015202530

Number of submitted applications per month
You can adjuste the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthSubmitted applications11112211221122112211112222112211221111332233112244112211111133663333332244222211336611112211441144222222332222113311554455112211334444442211442222114433333311222211111111111111113322112211221111112013201420152016201720182019202020212022202302468


Our handlingtimes for granted permits
You can adjuste the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthAvarage handlingtime in days66313141.3341.332929551671678686555599.599.52210103535202066191942.2542.25505012121123.523.5565620206363979711.511.526.526.5134.8134.853.6753.6728.6728.676623.2523.251818282815158.678.671313773434141442.3342.334040171748.6748.6714.6714.6723236868141415152929111148484040535318.518.52626252559592929212128.528.5838367.3367.3317171919707051.2551.2535.6735.6729296363292936365959292923.3323.332121484859.559.52014201520162017201820192020202120222023050100150200

The handlingtime is counted from the day when the application became complete to the day of the granted permit. Stated by law this time can't be longer than 10 weeks.

How many cases clear the timelimit of the handlingtime?

Percent of the granted permits that clears the timelimit of 10 weeks of handlingtime during the last 5 years.

90.91 %
of granted permits year
100.00 %
of granted permits year
82.35 %
of granted permits year
100.00 %
of granted permits year
88.89 %
of granted permits year

Decisions regarding permits

Our decisions, chose type to get number per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions121277151517172121161615152020171766993311881212552244111199667755161614141111202017175588201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230510152025
Marklov med startbesked

Granted permits, for smaller projects the starting clearance can be granted at the same time

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions33115544884433333311554488443333201520162017201820192020202120220246810
Återkallad ansökan

Applications that has been recalled by the applicant.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions111111111111201920202021202200.250.50.7511.25
Avvisad ansökan

The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions111111112022202300.250.50.7511.25

Applications that has been rejected due to that they are not folliwing the detaild developmentplan or is not suitable.

Decisions during construction

Our decision during the construction, chose type to get number per year.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions101077101010101919151566111120201717889966775516161414111120201717558811113355331111201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230510152025
Marklov med startbesked

A decision that allows the construction to begin.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A supplementary terms is a decison that demands extended or extra control of something during the construction. The terms must be met for a final clearance to be givien.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions111133332211111111333322201420152016201720182019202001234
Interimistiskt slutbesked

A decision that states that the permit is followed and the site improvement is up to code.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A denied starting clearance means that the site improvment doesn't have the conditions to be up to code and therefore cann't the construction begin.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A denied final clearance means that the site improvment is not up to code

Consultations and site visits

Before and during the site improvmentproject there is a number of consultations and site visits. For smaller projects those are most often not necessary. Our meetings are

  • Technically consultation ss a meeting before the constructionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
  • Site visits is a meeting on the constructionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
  • Final consultation is a meeting out on site to check that the permit is followd, all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.

Chose type of consultation or site visit to get number per year

Number of technically consultations per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of consultations1122331111201320142015201620172018201920202021202201234
Tekniskt samråd

Number of site visits per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of visits11201700.250.50.7511.25

Number of final consultations per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of consultatons114411112014201520162017201820192020012345

Our handling during 2023

Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of demolition permits during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.

Submitted applications, granted permits and our handlingtime
submitted applications
granted permits
29.08 days
our handlingtime in avarage
35 days
The handlingtime is counted from the day the application is complete to the day of the permit
100.00 %
of the permits is granted within 10 weeks from complete application
95 %
Stated by law the handlingtime can't be longer than 10 weeks from complete application.
Complete applications and lead times
69.23 %
of the granted permits where complete at the time of submitting the application
A application is complete if it contains all of the drawings and information that are required for the handling to be started. If any information is missing or any of the drawings is faulty drawn the applications needs to be supplemented and therefore complete later.
4.31 dagar
does it take in avarege for an application to be complete
The time is counted from time of submitting the application. During this period no handling is done, how long it takes is up to the applicant.
32.54 dagar
does it take in avarage from submitted application to granting the permit
56 days
For the applicant this is the experienced handlingtime not by law stated handlingtime of 10 weeks.
Statistics from the implementation of demolitionprojects
held technical consultations
Is a meeting before the demolitionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
granted starting clearance
A decision thats allows the demolition to begin. In bigger projects is given separatly, in smaller it could be given together with the demolition permit.
demolitionsites visits
Is a meeting on the demolitionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
final consultations
Is a meeting out on site to check that the permit is followd, all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.
granted final clearance
A decision that states that the demolition is done correctly.
Rejected, dismissed and recalled applications
recalled applications
The applicant has demanded that the application is recalled, the case is closed with a decision of recalled application.
dismissed applications
The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.
rejected applications
The application is rejected because the building can't be demolished often due to historically value.

Submitted applications

Number of submitted applications per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearSubmitted applications19192020222243433333474753533232333315151313201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230102030405060

Number of submitted application per month
You can adjuste the dates.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthSubmitted applications113333333311222211225511113311331122116611113333551122774444775522771133112211445511224422114444223355444455111111442266441122664433775522559933225544663311226622223333222266171711111122111177331111111144221111112222201420152016201720182019202020212022202305101520


Our handlingtimes for granted permits
You can adjuste the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthAvarage handlingtime in days25252424252551511171174444232322226620.3320.33232386.3386.33353539.6739.67565.5565.513.513.54747414138.538.5363639.3339.33424241.541.5323217172236.6736.6731313838767669.7569.7538.538.5191916.416.41212111139.3339.3311424255262627.3327.33191923236.676.6718181717252519.519.5131338.7538.7562622929545457.6757.6743.543.5191.5191.5161625252222212128.528.523.7523.75666625525515.415.41010222217.517.53636441515222217.517.5121256.6756.6764.564.5222214214212.3312.332828636388141425.525.527.3327.333333424238387741.541.5212120142015201620172018201920202021202220230200400600

The handlingtime is counted from the day when the application became complete to the day of the granted permit. Stated by law this time can't be longer than 10 weeks.

How many cases clear the timelimit of the handlingtime?

Percent of the granted permits that clears the timelimit of 10 weeks of handlingtime during the last 5 years.

83.33 %
of granted permits year
88.89 %
of granted permits year
72.00 %
of granted permits year
100.00 %
of granted permits year
100.00 %
of granted permits year

Decisions regarding permits

Our decisions, chose type to get number per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions10101818171723232323292929292020252513131010881515131318181616141419196621211010772233445577151510101414446620132014201520162017201820192020202120222023010203040
Rivningslov med startbesked

Granted permits, for smaller projects the starting clearance can be granted at the same time

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions1122443322442222112244332244222220152016201720182019202020212022012345
Återkallad ansökan

Applications that has been recalled by the applicant.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions113311112211113311112211201520162017201820192020202101234
Avvisad ansökan

The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.

Applications that has been rejected because the building can't be demolished often due to historically value.

Decisions during demolition

Our decision during the demolition, chose type to get number per year.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions771010181821212424272728282525252599101022334455771515101014144466557714141616171712121818111121219944201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230102030
Rivningslov med startbesked

A decision that allows the demoltion to begin.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A supplementary terms is a decison that demands extended or extra control of something during the demolition. The terms must be met for a final clearance to be givien.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions66558813131010111112122215152121111166558813139911111212221515212111201420152016201720182019202020212022202320240510152025
Interimistiskt slutbesked

A decision that states that the demolition is done correctly.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A denied starting clearance means that the demolitionproject doesn't have the condition to be up to code and therfor can't the demolition begin.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A denied final clearance means that the demolition or management of demolition material in not done correctly.

Consultations and site visits

Before and during the demolition there is a number of consultations and site visits. For smaller projects those are most often not necessary. Our meetings are

  • Technically consultation is a meeting before the demolition begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
  • Site visits is a meeting on the demolitionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
  • Final consultation is a meeting out on site to check that the permit is followd, all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.

Chose type of consultation or site visit to get number per year and month

Number of technically consultations per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of consultatons333322222244223311111120132014201520162017201820192020202120222023012345
Tekniskt samråd

Number of technically consultations per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of visits3311221111201420152016201720182019202020212022202301234

Number of technically consultations per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of consultatons11112211111122201420152016201720182019202020212022202300.511.522.5

Our handling during 2023

Some chosen statistics from our handling of measure requiring notification during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.

Submitted applications, our handlingtime and leadtimes
submitted applications
7.16 dagar
our handlingtime in avarage
The handlingtime is counted from the day the application is complete to the day of the starting clearance
13.96 days
does it take in avarege for an application to be complete
The time is counted from time of submitting the application. During this period no handling is done, how long it takes is up to the applicant.
98.94 %
is given a starting clearance within 4 weeks
100 %
Stated by law the handlingtime can't be longer than 4 weeks from complete application.
Statistics from the the construction
held technical consultations
Is a meeting before the constructionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
granted starting clearance
A decision thats allows the construction to begin.
constructionsites visits
Is a meeting on the constructionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
final consultations
Is a meeting out on site to check that all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.
granted final clearance
A decision that admits the building to be used for its purpose.
Rejected, dismissed and recalled applications
Denied starting clearance
A denied starting clearance means that the building doesn't have the conditions to be up to code and therefore can't the construction begin
recalled applications
The applicant has demanded that the application is recalled, the case is closed with a decision of recalled application.
dismissed applications
The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.

Submitted applications

Number of submitted applications per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of submitted applications142142248248350350327327396396430430412412483483448448343343221221201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230100200300400500600
Anmälningspliktig åtgärd

Number of submitted application per month
You can adjuste the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of submitted applications88886677101077332121222222221616121299881313558877454543433535393920201616181824242929373736363434884040323241413535161615152222252550503838292914142222242431313636212121212626333335353939414122224747373743432929232325254545434351515555292920203939464634343030131327272222464635354848282814145151494945452727202025252626393950505656545426263737525243433535404022223737393971716767333325253838414136362323161635353535343427272626323219192424414132322323151515152828262627272828212113132323151519196620132014201520162017201820192020202120222023020406080
Anmälningspliktig åtgärd


Our handlingtimes
You can adjuste the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthAvarage handlingtime in days11.511.58.548.541515151510.0610.067.817.816.976.9711.6811.689.489.489.799.7910.3510.354.384.384.714.718.578.576.76.710.0810. '17Jul '17Jan '18Jul '18Jan '19Jul '19Jan '20Jul '20Jan '21Jul '21Jan '22Jul '22Jan '23Jul '2305101520
Anmälningspliktig åtgärd

The handlingtime is counted from the day when the application became complete to the day of given starting clearance. Stated by law this time can't be longer than 4 weeks.

How many cases clear the timelimit of the handlingtime?

Percent of the cases with a given starting clearance that clears the timelimit of 4 weeks of handlingtime during the last 5 years.

98.60 %
of decided measures year
99.15 %
of decided measures year
95.91 %
of decided measures year
98.57 %
of decided measures year
98.94 %
of decided measures year

Decisions during construction

Our decision during the construction, chose type to get number per year.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions12212220320331031026226236036038838835935937737740740731131120820811122122203203310310262262360360388388359359377377407407311311208208112013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320240100200300400500

A decision that allows the construction to begin.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A supplementary terms is a decison that demands extended or extra control of something during the construction. The terms must be met for a final clearance to be givien.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions11991212151523232323303041415353444444445533442222446655661010441111668813132121191924243636474734344040442013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320240102030405060
Interimistiskt slutbesked

A decision that allows the building to be used for its purpose and that the measure is up to code

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions666666662021202202468

A denied starting clearance means that the building/measure doesn't have the conditions to be up to code and therefore can't the construction begin.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

A denied final clearance means that the buildning can't be used due to that the measure is not up to code or is not deemd safe to be in.

Consultations and site visits

Before and during the construction of a buildingproject there is a number of consultations and site visits. For smaller projects those are most often not necessary. Our meetings are

  • Technically consultation is a meeting before the constructionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
  • Site visits is a meeting on the constructionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
  • Final consultation is a meeting out on site to check that all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.

Chose type of consultation or site visit to get number per year and month.

Number of technically consultations per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of consultatons6622883366335513136622331120132014201520162017201820192020202120222023202402.557.51012.515
Tekniskt samråd

Number of technically consultations per month
You can adjuste the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of consultatons11221111111111111122111111111111112211111111111111113311111111222222221111111111111111222211112014201520162017201820192020202120222023202401234
Tekniskt samråd

Number of site visits per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of visits2211332216161111443333201420152016201720182019202020212022202305101520

Number of site visits per month
You can adjust the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of visits111111111111111111112211221111223322222222111111111111112211111111111120152016201720182019202020212022202301234

Number of final consultations per year

Number of final consultations per month
You can adjust the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of consultatons222211111111222211111111331111111111222211221111111133111111113311221111112222221111331111111122223311331111111111111122111120152016201720182019202020212022202301234

Our handling during 2023

Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of cases regarding supervision during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.

initiated cases
initiated cases regarding suspicion of violation of law for buildings, signs and sites
initiated cases regarding suspicion of violation of law for shoreland protection
initiated cases regarding suspicion of violation of law by not remedy simple obstacle
initiated cases regarding suspicion of violation of law for lifts
initiated cases regarding suspicion of violation of law for not doing mandatory check of ventilationsystem
Supervision visits
supervision visits for buildings, signs and sites
supervision visits for shoreland protection
supervision visits for remedy simple obstacle
supervision visits for lifts
supervision visits for mandatory check of ventilationsystem

initiated cases regarding supervision

Initiated cases per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Yearinitiated cases1011018585727213113196961141141311318888115115103103120120201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230255075100125150
Tillsyn - Byggnader, anläggningar och skyltar

Initiated cases per month

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Monthinitiated cases111155101015151010881616121211119933117714144455882212126677101099444455338877444411141413135588443377191914148817172626101099661111448810101212774411111111228888121277141410101717775577661212111166771111101010101717161666171714141111666677448833777799555520207766332299111118182020991010776615155511112212127777121244776699171799668844442020202088111110109988121220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023051015202530
Tillsyn - Byggnader, anläggningar och skyltar

Initiated cases per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Yearinitiated cases221177445533201720182019202020212022202302468
Tillsyn - Strandskydd

Initiated cases per month


Initiated cases per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Yearinitiated cases91912233112222111120142015201620172018201920202021202220230100255075
Enkelt avhjälpta hinder

Initiated cases per month

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Monthinitiated cases444447472211221111111111111120152016201720182019202020212022202301020304050
Enkelt avhjälpta hinder

Initiated cases per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Yearinitiated cases228811114040404018181818161632325050201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230102030405060
Tillsyn - Hissar och motordrivna lyftanordningar

Initiated cases per month

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Monthinitiated cases111111333311111122552211776633443377441110101122114411884444441122221122221111224411441122223311111122445522113311221122222277227733334444111166442266449966201420152016201720182019202020212022202302.557.51012.5
Tillsyn - Hissar och motordrivna lyftanordningar

Initiated cases per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Yearinitiated cases11446868197197153153201820192020202120222023050100150200250
Tillsyn - Obligatorisk ventilationskontroll

Initiated cases per month

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Monthinitiated cases112211111199212137372525242419193314142222111188363618181717252517173939131366773311117788101077Jul '18Jan '19Jul '19Jan '20Jul '20Jan '21Jul '21Jan '22Jul '22Jan '23Jul '2301020304050
Tillsyn - Obligatorisk ventilationskontroll

Superviision visits

During the handling of a case regarding supervision it's possible that a visit is required to determine if there is a violation of law and if so by who and when.

Chose area of supervision to get number of visits per year and month

Number of visits per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of visits992727373729295454919177772626434344442222112013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320240100255075

Number of visits per month

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of visits111111442211441133112211111155334411112211221144555522885522332244332255553344995566772233336699111122996611111010556677111166776655335566111111101066999966443311771166331133551133553399557722221133221010551188445533111133223333333333112014201520162017201820192020202120222023202402.557.51012.5

Number of visits per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of visits1111224411201820192020202120222023012345

Number of visits per month

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of visits111111111111111111Jan '18Jul '18Jan '19Jul '19Jan '20Jul '20Jan '21Jul '21Jan '22Jul '22Jan '2300.250.50.7511.25

Number of visits per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of visits1122111120172018201920202021202200.511.522.5

Number of visits per month

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthNumber of visits11221111Jul '17Jan '18Jul '18Jan '19Jul '19Jan '20Jul '20Jan '21Jul '21Jan '22Jul '2200.511.522.5

Number of visits per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

Number of visits per month

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

Number of visits per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

Number of visits per month

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4No data available yet

Our handling during 2023

Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of exemptions from shoreland protection during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.

Submitted applications and granted exemptions
submitted applications
granted exemptions
recalled applications
The applicant has demanded that the application is recalled, the case is closed with a decision of recalled application.
dismissed applications
The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.
rejected applications
The application is rejected if it doesn't meet at least on of the conditions stated by 5 chapter 18c § in Miljöbalken (environmentlaw).

Submitted applications

Number of submitted applications per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearSubmitted applications47473838575768686464595969698181909055554141201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230100255075

Number of submitted application per month
You can adjuste the dates

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4MonthSubmitted applications11553355554444336677331122225566334433113344553377665577666633554433226688887714141122335566885522667766334499994433662266111110103344113366555533226666887733119911118833556655559916161010226677665544881313101088131388556688663322447755229977227744552211663322223377338844332013201420152016201720182019202020212022202305101520

Decisions regarding exemptions

Our decisions, chose type to get number per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions272719194040464650504646474766667575444432322727191940404646505046464747666675754444323220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023020406080

Granted exemptions from shoreland protection.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions11771111886633151511116666117711118866331515111166662013201420152016201720182019202020212022202305101520
Återkallad ansökan

Applications that has been recalled by the applicant.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions1133221122661133331111332211226611333311201420152016201720182019202020212022202302468
Avvisad ansökan

The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4YearNumber of decisions33112233112220212022202301234

The application is rejected if it doesn't meet at least on of the conditions stated by 5 chapter 18c § in Miljöbalken (environmentlaw).

Last years submitted and granted applications

Submitted and granted applications from last year.

41 st

Submitted applications

76 st

Totaly granted applications

106 st

Granted applications for one dwelling house

Overview over submitted and granted applications from 2015

Submitted and granted applications per year

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Year2626434382829191118118767633333737616156566969717111511511311341412015201620172018201920202021202220230255075100125
Sum Decided advance notice
Sum Number of advance notices received