- Building permit
- Site improvement permit
- Demolition permit
- Measure requiring notification
- Supervision
- Shoreland protection
- Advance notice
Our handling during 2023
Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of building permits during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.
It can for example be that you are building to big or to high.
To be an acceptable deviation it has to be a small one, just margininally exceeding the regulation.
35 days
95 %
increase from last years avarage 21 %
56 days
Submitted applications
Number of submitted applications per year
Number of submitted application per month
Our handlingtimes for granted permits
The handlingtime is counted from the day when the application became complete to the day of the granted permit. Stated by law this time can't be longer than 10 weeks.
How many cases clear the timelimit of the handlingtime?
Percent of the granted permits that clears the timelimit of 10 weeks of handlingtime during the last 5 years.
Decisions regarding permits
Our decisions, chose type to get number per year
Granted permits, for smaller projects the starting clearance can be granted at the same time
Applications that has been recalled by the applicant.
The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.
Applications that has been rejected due to that they are not folliwing the detaild developmentplan or is not suitable.
Decisions during construction
Our decision during the construction, chose type to get number per year.
- Starting clearance
- Supplementary terms
- Final clearance
- Denied starting clearance
- Denied final clearance
A decision that allows the construction to begin.
A supplementary terms is a decison that demands extended or extra control of something during the construction. The terms must be met for a final clearance to be givien.
A decision that allows the building to be used for its purpose.
A denied starting clearance means that the building doesn't have the conditions to be up to code and therefore can't the construction begin.
A denied final clearance means that the buildning can't be used due to it's not up to code or is not deemd safe to be in.
Consultations and site visits
Before and during the construction of a buildingproject there is a number of consultations and site visits. For smaller projects those are most often not necessary. Our meetings are
- Technically consultation is a meeting before the constructionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
- Site visits is a meeting on the constructionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
- Final consultation is a meeting out on site to check that the permit is followd, all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.
Chose type of consultation or site visit to get number per year and month
Number of technically consultations per year
Number of technically consultations per month
Number of site visits per year
Number of site visits per month
Number of final consultations per year
Number of final consultations per month
Our handling during 2023
Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of site improvement permits during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.
35 days
95 %
increase from last years avarage 17 %
56 days
Submitted applications
Number of submitted applications per year
Number of submitted applications per month
Our handlingtimes for granted permits
The handlingtime is counted from the day when the application became complete to the day of the granted permit. Stated by law this time can't be longer than 10 weeks.
How many cases clear the timelimit of the handlingtime?
Percent of the granted permits that clears the timelimit of 10 weeks of handlingtime during the last 5 years.
Decisions regarding permits
Our decisions, chose type to get number per year
Granted permits, for smaller projects the starting clearance can be granted at the same time
Applications that has been recalled by the applicant.
The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.
Applications that has been rejected due to that they are not folliwing the detaild developmentplan or is not suitable.
Decisions during construction
Our decision during the construction, chose type to get number per year.
- Starting clearance
- Supplementary terms
- Final clearance
- Denied starting clearance
- Denied final clearance
A decision that allows the construction to begin.
A supplementary terms is a decison that demands extended or extra control of something during the construction. The terms must be met for a final clearance to be givien.
A decision that states that the permit is followed and the site improvement is up to code.
A denied starting clearance means that the site improvment doesn't have the conditions to be up to code and therefore cann't the construction begin.
A denied final clearance means that the site improvment is not up to code
Consultations and site visits
Before and during the site improvmentproject there is a number of consultations and site visits. For smaller projects those are most often not necessary. Our meetings are
- Technically consultation ss a meeting before the constructionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
- Site visits is a meeting on the constructionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
- Final consultation is a meeting out on site to check that the permit is followd, all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.
Chose type of consultation or site visit to get number per year
Number of technically consultations per year
Number of site visits per year
Number of final consultations per year
Our handling during 2023
Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of demolition permits during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.
35 days
95 %
56 days
Submitted applications
Number of submitted applications per year
Number of submitted application per month
Our handlingtimes for granted permits
The handlingtime is counted from the day when the application became complete to the day of the granted permit. Stated by law this time can't be longer than 10 weeks.
How many cases clear the timelimit of the handlingtime?
Percent of the granted permits that clears the timelimit of 10 weeks of handlingtime during the last 5 years.
Decisions regarding permits
Our decisions, chose type to get number per year
Granted permits, for smaller projects the starting clearance can be granted at the same time
Applications that has been recalled by the applicant.
The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.
Applications that has been rejected because the building can't be demolished often due to historically value.
Decisions during demolition
Our decision during the demolition, chose type to get number per year.
- Starting clearance
- Supplementary terms
- Final clearance
- Denied starting clearance
- Denied final clearance
A decision that allows the demoltion to begin.
A supplementary terms is a decison that demands extended or extra control of something during the demolition. The terms must be met for a final clearance to be givien.
A decision that states that the demolition is done correctly.
A denied starting clearance means that the demolitionproject doesn't have the condition to be up to code and therfor can't the demolition begin.
A denied final clearance means that the demolition or management of demolition material in not done correctly.
Consultations and site visits
Before and during the demolition there is a number of consultations and site visits. For smaller projects those are most often not necessary. Our meetings are
- Technically consultation is a meeting before the demolition begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
- Site visits is a meeting on the demolitionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
- Final consultation is a meeting out on site to check that the permit is followd, all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.
Chose type of consultation or site visit to get number per year and month
Number of technically consultations per year
Number of technically consultations per year
Number of technically consultations per year
Our handling during 2023
Some chosen statistics from our handling of measure requiring notification during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.
100 %
Submitted applications
Number of submitted applications per year
Number of submitted application per month
Our handlingtimes
The handlingtime is counted from the day when the application became complete to the day of given starting clearance. Stated by law this time can't be longer than 4 weeks.
How many cases clear the timelimit of the handlingtime?
Percent of the cases with a given starting clearance that clears the timelimit of 4 weeks of handlingtime during the last 5 years.
Decisions during construction
Our decision during the construction, chose type to get number per year.
- Starting clearance
- Supplementary terms
- Final clearance
- Denied starting clearance
- Denied final clearance
A decision that allows the construction to begin.
A supplementary terms is a decison that demands extended or extra control of something during the construction. The terms must be met for a final clearance to be givien.
A decision that allows the building to be used for its purpose and that the measure is up to code
A denied starting clearance means that the building/measure doesn't have the conditions to be up to code and therefore can't the construction begin.
A denied final clearance means that the buildning can't be used due to that the measure is not up to code or is not deemd safe to be in.
Consultations and site visits
Before and during the construction of a buildingproject there is a number of consultations and site visits. For smaller projects those are most often not necessary. Our meetings are
- Technically consultation is a meeting before the constructionwork begins where technical details, plan for controls and more are discussed.
- Site visits is a meeting on the constructionsite to check on the project, is there any problems and to evaluate the controls.
- Final consultation is a meeting out on site to check that all of the controls are carried out and to do an overall check.
Chose type of consultation or site visit to get number per year and month.
Number of technically consultations per year
Number of technically consultations per month
Number of site visits per year
Number of site visits per month
Number of final consultations per year
Number of final consultations per month
Our handling during 2023
Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of cases regarding supervision during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.
initiated cases regarding supervision
- Buildings, signs and sites
- Shoreland protection
- Easy remedy of obstacle
- Lifts
- Mandatory check of ventilationsystem
Initiated cases per year
Initiated cases per month
Initiated cases per year
Initiated cases per month
Initiated cases per year
Initiated cases per month
Initiated cases per year
Initiated cases per month
Initiated cases per year
Initiated cases per month
Superviision visits
During the handling of a case regarding supervision it's possible that a visit is required to determine if there is a violation of law and if so by who and when.
Chose area of supervision to get number of visits per year and month
- Buildings, signs and sites
- Shoreland protection
- Easy remedy of obstacle
- Lifts
- Mandatory check of ventilationsystem
Number of visits per year
Number of visits per month
Number of visits per year
Number of visits per month
Number of visits per year
Number of visits per month
Number of visits per year
Number of visits per month
Number of visits per year
Number of visits per month
Our handling during 2023
Some chosen statistics from our handling of applications of exemptions from shoreland protection during the year. All of the numbers are from the datasets here on the portal, links to those are further down after respective section.
Submitted applications
Number of submitted applications per year
Number of submitted application per month
Decisions regarding exemptions
Our decisions, chose type to get number per year
Granted exemptions from shoreland protection.
Applications that has been recalled by the applicant.
The application is dissmissed when we can't start ous handling, but first the applicant has been given time to complete the applications with the missing information or drawings.
The application is rejected if it doesn't meet at least on of the conditions stated by 5 chapter 18c § in Miljöbalken (environmentlaw).
Last years submitted and granted applications
Submitted and granted applications from last year.
41 st
Submitted applications
76 st
Totaly granted applications
106 st
Granted applications for one dwelling house
Overview over submitted and granted applications from 2015
Submitted and granted applications per year